Quick Release Kit for Simucube owners
Wheel side quick release kit - rev2
Upgraded version with 30mm spacer and 70mm wheel adapter and inproved compatibility.
Your Simucube 2 comes with one of these, if you want to use multiple steering wheels you will need this kit attached to your rims.
Becoming master of multiple race car classes is finally reality without a single compromise. Different kinds of wheels are rapidly and securely intercangeable thanks to solid-metal Quick Release and low-latency Wireless Wheel connection.
Precision machined full-metal Simucube Quick Release guarantees zero backlash and rock solid operation even under the extreme torques of direct drive wheel base. Guided rail design ensures perfect lock-in every time, and spring preloaded pin mechanism will ensure non-degrading tight coupling over thousands of swap cycles. Just like rest of Simucube,
SQR has been built to be virtually immortal.
The only practically wearing part, spring loaded pin mechanism, is made out of standard stock parts making it user serviceable.